Friday, January 18, 2008

01/15/08 Ken celebrate 29th birthday at home alone

Today, January 15 is Chu Xiao Tian's BirthdayTaking a low profile to celebrate aloneSource: Liberty TimesDate: January 15, 2008Reported by: Chan Wei ZhenPhoto by: Wang Wen LinToday is Chu Xiao Tian's 29th Birthday. This low profile boy chooses to shut himself home alone. Nevertheless, his fans started leaving him online greetings a few days ago. Riding through the uneasy days last year, fans wish him to shake off all the bad luck in the new-year.For the whole year past, Chu Xiao Tian was being criticized for his ugly image and bad acting skills in his leading drama "A Legendary Knight". These strong critics badly impact on his spirits. Later on, he encountered health problems and suffered sudden weight gains. He was then blamed for too fat and was given a nickname as "Chu Liu Xiang". He was overwhelmed with all these critiques inside out.`In the new-year, Chu Xiao Tian was spot drinking wine in the studio and stroll on street with a puffy "tuna belly". Obviously, he has not started on any weight loss plans nor able to shake off bad luck. Today is his birthday. Fans leave him greetings online to wish him having a Happy Birthday. Chu Xiao Tian's manager Li Yan Cheng expressed that if he does not have work, he'd prefer to stay home for his birthday. He seldom concerned too much on celebrating birthdays and would choose a low profile to spend the day alone.Translated by: वेइवेई

LINXILEI RETURNS TO TAIWAN TO CELEBRATE KEN CHU'S BIRTHDAYKEN didnt have a birthday party, instead celebrated privacy. in the celine fashion show, linxilei didnt say if she celebrated KEN'S birthday with the zai-barbie break-up, there were rumors in china that libingbing was the 3rd party involved. 4 years ago, KEN was also linked to her, but now he is very much committed happily to pretty linxilei. last january 15 was KEN'S birthday, beforehand, he already told the company: "dont arrange work for me on that day". coincidentally, linxilei returned to taiwan that same day from hongkong.KEN admits his rebellious personality and that this year will be his last year to be such. before he often celebrated birthday in fan events, but this year he specially wanted a private celebration, and even asked for vacation from the company. of course, KEN wont answer if he celebrated with linxilei... even if they never directly admitted their relationship, the fact that linxilei is "by chance" in taiwan is too coincidental. in yesterdays celine fashion event, she still didnt answer questions directly in relation to 'KEN CHU'. but when the reporter said that many fortune-tellers foresee that tian-lei romance would flourish, she said 'thats nothing', but cant contain her smile and great mood. now only KEN CHU is not single among f4. though she didnt confirm if she returned for her boyfriend's birthday celebration, we learned that she really didnt arrange any work for this period of time, which means it was originally planned that she will be back to be with her boyfriend KEN on his birthday.source:2008-01-17

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